The New Britain New Ireland Mission is one of the ten local missions of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Papua New Guinea (PNG).  It comprises of three Provinces: East New Britain, West New Britain and New Ireland Provinces, and a population Church membership of approximately 20,000 members.

Its Head Office is located in Kokopo, East New Britain Province, and there are also the three provincial offices in each of the townships of Kimbe, Kokopo and Kavieng respectively led by the Provincial Area Supervisor and one Admin/Accounts personnel.

Its greatest challenge is transport and logistics in reaching out to its membership as it is a maritime mission with majority of the membership living in the outer islands of New Britain New Ireland Waters.

The Administration Team:

President: Pr Andrew Opis

Mission Secretary: Pr Richard Koroi

Treasurer: Mrs Wesline Peter  (Acting CFO)

Departmental Directors include departments of Family Life, Children, Women, Youth, Personal Ministries, Sabbath School, Stewardship, Education, Health, Lands, Communication Media and Adventist Book Centre.

SPECIAL OFFERING - Isu Adventist High School

Plan to give on this 2nd Quarter 2023, Lesson 7 Offering NBNI Special Offering

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